
Let The Right One In

I wouldn't call this a horror movie at all. Let The right One In is your basic indie love story between two 12 year old kids. Except from time to time one of them kills people and drinks their blood. Other than that it's very, very sweet.

I love the fact that there's maybe two scenes with CGI, and almost no "jump scares". The story is simple & sparse when it comes to dialogue. It mainly lets the camera tell the story, something I wish Hollywood could catch onto someday. Visually it reminds me of a cross between Fargo & The Virgin Suicides, phenomenal camera work. Beautiful without being flashy.

Thanks Sweden, you've restored my faith in people's ability to film an original vampire story. Maybe the lady who wrote Twilight will see this someday and apologize.......


Black Dynamite

"Mama, you can bet yo sweet ass and half a titty whoever ordered the hit on you has already got the pigs in they back pocket."

This movie was so badass I can't stop telling people about it. If you were ever into stuff like Dolemite, Blackbelt Jones, or The Avenging Disco Godfather then this is right up your alley, you dig? It has everything you could want in a movie: kung fu, hookers, afros, machine guns, and donuts with alligator shoes. Arsenio Hall is the king of the pimps. You can thank me later.


Hellbilly Deluxe 2

It's been way too long since I bitched about something. Before we're forced to change the page title to "Unicorns Kick Ass" I thought I'd pass on a gripe or two.

I knew this album was going to suck right after I read the title. Rob Zombie spent the last several years re-making a crappy horror film (sorry kids, was never a Halloween fan) & cranking out a sequel to said film. His last two albums had a few standout tracks but were mostly dancy pop/70s stadium rock. Don't get me wrong, I'm a White Zombie fan and I loved the first Hellbilly, but it's been a long time since Rob Zombie's main focus was playing music.

I have no idea why you would make a sequel to a 12 year old album aside from an attempt to cash in quick or fulfill a record contract. Maybe he really thought songs with titles like "Sick Bubblegum" were just evil enough to fit right in with the first album. Shit, he even took the time to write a song about the fake trailer he did for Grindhouse. Despite the plethora of horror movie samples and sci-fi references Hellbilly Deluxe 2 was boring and lazy and I sold it in less than two weeks.