
The Black Heart Procession - Six

The Spell is by far my favorite album by The Black Heart Procession. Anytime a band releases something that lands in that "favorite" category, I always want more of the same instead of something new.

is mostly something new, with some more recognizable stuff thrown in as well. The big change in sound is a shift to more of a Tom Waits vibe for the first half of the album, especially in the bass lines and slightly more upbeat tempos. All good stuff but a very different feel from the last few albums. The songs on the last half are more familiar and feel more in line with The Spell or Amore Del Tropico.

It's still growing on me & hasn't left my car since I picked it up. Always a good sign.


Slayer: World Painted Blood

World Painted Blood isn't a metal album, it's a thrash album. A couple songs remind me of old school D.R.I. or Agnostic Front. I have no idea how they're going to play this fast on tour. It's a lot more overtly political, but I guess you can't be all Satan all the time. It's nowhere near as good as say Reign In Blood or Seasons In The Abyss, but it's one of the best things they've done in a long time.

But... the sound suffers a bit w/o Rick Rubin producing this time around. There's quite a bit of bitching on the internets about the production quality. That would be my one big gripe as well. ( ka ching! ) The guitars for some reason spend a good bit of the album playing the exact same thing. Normally you would work hard to separate them in the mix by giving each one a different tone, for some reason this didn't happen. When there's a lead, the rhythm guitar drops way down in the mix and you loose a little momentum.

That aside, this is one hell of an album for a band that has been making loud evil music for over 20 years.

Slammin' Salmon

I hope this is good. I know they haven't lived up to Super Troopers. Beerfest was better than Club Dread, so hopefully this will be better than Beerfest. It looks funny in the trailer, but can the whole movie be funny? Bonus, it has Cobie Smulders from How I Met Your Mother in it. Hopefully they bring the funny.


In Bruges

Again, I am so behind on my movie viewing it is unreal. I'd heard good things about this movie when it came out and just now saw it. Really good. About the only movie I've ever liked Collin Farrell in and Brendan Gleeson does a wonderful job as well. Ralph Feinnes puts in a shockingly good performance as Harry. I couldn't believe it was him at first. I really want to visit Bruges now. If you haven't seen it check it out.


Cash vs. Danzig: Thirteen

Not exactly a cover since Glenn Danzig wrote it for him, but it will have to do. If you've seen The Hangover then you've heard Danzig's version. Why is it we lose guys like Johnny Cash but no-talent-ass-clowns like the Black Eyed Peas get to keep making records?

Free Pixies Tour E.P.

Hey K Jane, as well as the other two people who read our little corner of the information superhighway, get yourself some live tracks from the Pixies tour.

1. “Dancing the Manta Ray”
2. “Monkey Gone to Heaven”
3. “Crackity Jones”
4. “Gouge Away”

I'll do my best to dig up a cover for the weekend.

- Coop


This might be awesome.

Along the lines of Zombieland, this looks like another good comedy horror movie. I hope it doesn't end up being just plain stupid.


David Lynch Coffee Commercial

"It's full of beans."

I ran across this fan-made commercial a while back for David Lynch's coffee. Really amazing job of copping all of Lynch's creepy visuals & reverse audio tricks. I wonder if that guy will ever make a real film again.....


All right this only took three weeks to get to, but this movie kicks serious amounts of ass. From the opening to the end it is freaking awesome. Very well acted and scripted and directed. The soundtrack is great and everything just looks good. This may be one of the only things I've ever like Woody Harrelson in, besides Cheers and Jesse Eisenberg is becoming one of my favorite actors, sorry Kendra. The special cameo is one of the best parts of the movie. The way the rules of survival pop up throughout the movie is great, as well. It does drag a little in the middle, but not too bad. I would love to see it again. Everyone get off your ass and go see it. NOW!!