
Mumford and Sons - Sigh No More

Put down what you are doing and go get this album. I'm a little slow on this, the album has been out since February and I've been told how good it is, but for some reason I just now got it. Four guys from England playing folk music sounds lame, I know, but these guys pull it off. Amazing energy and sound for a first album. Each member of the band plays an array of instruments and they revolve throughout the album. Lyrically intelligent and very well produced, this album is definitely one of my favorites of this year. I'm mad at myself for not checking it out earlier. Go, go now and get it. You won't regret it.


  1. I dig that these guys have a unique, definable sound. Great production on that track too.

  2. Dudes, the whole album is super good. I am really digging it.
